
A Thought for the Week #1

So I have decided I don't write enough me stuff on here. And after all I am pretty sure when I started this blog some 3 years ago I did it as a place I could put my thoughts. Nowadays all I or the other writers seem to do, is share promotional things or space fillers. Don't get me wrong some of those things are cool, and I suppose to a degree those are our thoughts....because we think those things are really cool and we want to share them with you, but I want more dammit. No proof reading, no filtering, I don't have time for that right now. I just want to write some things down that are on my mind. If I make mistakes, I apologize to all you grammar Nazi's out there...ok here we go.

The World Cup 

So I haven't really touched on the World Cup at all, besides posting a funny video here and there. Everyone else is doing it so why they hell not. I am living in Asia at the moment, before I go on a little travel that will take me through South East Asia, through Europe and back to Africa, but that is for another time. Yes I am living in Asia and the time difference from Brazil is that they are 12 hours behind. What this means is that all games are on in the early morning. 1am, 4am and 7am. Now with the semis they have been at 5am. Which is ok, because I can wake up before work and watch them and then just drag my feet the whole day. So this week we saw Germany absolutely destroy the hosts Brazil. Basically Brazil had a horrible day and defensive display. I was cheering for Ze Germans and I have money on them, so yay me. Moving on.....last night was Argentina vs Netherlands. It went to penalties and Argentina were victorious. I thought as a whole Netherlands were the better team. But my word Messi is just incredible. Anyone who doubts the man, needs to get their eyes checked. He is just overall a credit to the beautiful game. This World Cup has been great, and I have to say the football has been 10 times better than the last one in South Africa (Yes I was there and I am South African, but it is true). I am super excited for the World Cup final on Sunday your time, Monday my time and I might even place a little more money down. Ok time to move on, I have lots of thoughts.

Korea Burn

What is Korea Burn you say, well I should probably do a post on just Korea Burn (ok yes I will), but basically it is the Asian equivalent to Burning Man in America. If you need to know more, well all you really need to know is that it is awesome. People coming together and just having a good time. There is no stress, no tension. Everyone is friendly and like one big...somewhat strange..... family. I will dive into this more in a Burn post, but it truly was one of the best weekends of my life. There is always a surprise around the corner at Burn that can just make the great night you are having even greater. I do advise that if a Burn event is happening and you can get to it, you do it. You won't regret it at all. Below are a few pics. I have lots more, but I will put those in another post. Have a look.

Korea Burn

Korea Burn

Korea Burn

Korea Burn

Burning Man

Korea Burn

To finish off my thoughts for the week. I would just like to touch on something that relates to burn. I was asked recently why I chose to leave my good job of two years and travel. If anything Burn sums that all up. It's for experience. Sure you get that when you are sitting behind a desk or running around getting coffee for your boss. But what I have learnt from being in a foreign land, where the native language looks like this 키알
(That is my name in Korean by the way haha) and not knowing a soul, has taught me far more then I learnt in the corporate world. What is more is that I am experiencing life, I don't want regrets. I don't want to be 35 and wish that I had spent a night on a deserted island. Or wish that I had cuddled a stranger to keep warm on the top of a mountain. I want to sit at my desk and say "Frick that was cold, but it was one hell of an adventure". Having these experiences, meeting new people, the good ones and the bad, teach you to see what you want in life. How many of you can truly say you are happy, how many of you can truly say you know what you are going to do next. I don't but I can tell you that these adventures and learning experiences have taken the boy I was and made me into the man I want to be. So if you are sitting at your desk and you are wondering if you should take that leap. Take it. That desk will still be there. And who knows the next time you sit down at it, you might not feel the need or want to get up again.

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