
Colour Me Rad, Yes it's spelt colour

A rainbow just _____ on me. I'll let you fill that in. But if you have been to a Holi One fest, then you will know what it feels like to be all colourful. Colour Me Rad (or Color as the AMERICAAANNSS say) is the next event that allows you to do the same thing. Except this time you are running a 5km race while doing it. So on the weekend myself and some friends attended the one in Incheon Korea (near Seoul). An early start and a quick 5km jog, got the juices flowing, some delicious Korean dancers also didn't hurt those juices (just for you 3 girls you know who you are). Anyway there was a real vibe and if this had continued into the night and there was a drink or two to be had I am sure it would have escalated quickly. Nevertheless it was a good day out, and it didn't hurt that we got a colourful pic or two. Here are some below.

1 comment:

  1. Good times boys... I would just like to add that I beat you all and Sam wins the prize for best/worst outfit. I'll let you choose! "Colour" me rad. Good time!
