The English Premier League got under way this last weekend and for all those football fans out there, it couldn't have come sooner. I myself am a massive sports/football fan and an Arsenal fanatic (oh no another football nut). If you aren't a football fan, then maybe this post isn’t for you. But let me ask you, how the hell can you not like football?

Last night saw Manchester United play Everton away, and for Arsenal fans such as myself it was sickening to see that traitor RVP gather splinters on their bench. But what made me angrier is that many United fans had said that Arsenal’s season was over as they had drawn THEIR FIRST GAME of the season. Queue the status updates “United stole your captain and now we will win the league”, and all the other arrogant “original” status’ you could think of.
A friend of mine (or should I say former friend) is one of those typical United peasants. You know what I mean, the fans who still think David Beckham plays for United and that Rio Ferdinand is actually a great defender and all round nice guy. Anyway he sends me this whole long message out of the blue that read like so:
“U okes aren’t serious about this season?......”
“Get serious chaps. U’ve already wasted one game! U saw how tight this shit can get”
I then replied that I never knew the game was decided on the first game of the season? (very sarcastically) and here is where it got good, he replied:
“It is. It’s decided on the 2 points u drop on an easy fixture, or the 3 points you fail to pick up at home. Or the 2 silly goals u let in, in the last 5 minutes. Football is now decided in the moment u let go of a marker. The moment u meg a defender, the crispness of a cross, the decision of a defender, the strike of ur star”
To me, he sounded like Gary Bailey from Supersport, but all I was focussing on was the game. In short United were completely out classed, lost the game 1-0, and RVP although on the pitch for a short time, added no value. Safe to say all I needed to reply to the peasant United supporters was;
And they were speechless. Always so quick to speak up, but always found wanting when their team (that includes David Beckham according to them) under performs. It is going to be one hell of a season. I have put down some loot on Arsenal (yes I have) and I have a sneaky feeling this might be the year that a few United peasants start supporting Chelsea or City.
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